Monthly Progress Report: July 2009
Submitted Thursday, 13 August, 2009 - 17:53
During July the EduTubePlus partners continued to work on various aspects of the project workplan.
Key developments and activities included the following:
- Submission of Deliverable D2.1 entitled “Structural, technical and semantic specifications of video resources for in class use and list of PP video clips to be aggregated in the EduTubePlus Library”. Prepared by the University of Hull with the input of several other partners, this public document is made up of two main parts. The first focuses on the structural, technical and semantic considerations and issues which led to the creation of the final selection criteria for the project. In the second part, the authors focus on the actual video resources submitted by the project partners, along with issues around their selection and IPR/copyright issues.
- Acceptance by the European Commission of the public deliverable D3.1 “Multilingual and multicultural curriculum-related ontology and Metadata schemata for video objects and video-based activities”
- In Work Package 8, Dissemination, most partners have by now completed the first questionnaire on exploitation and responses are now being collated and summerised and will form the basis for a discussion at the next partner meeting. In addition work to overhaul the project web site in underway and the project showreel has been edited and is now available.
- Dates for the next full project meeting have been set and this will take place in Rome on 15/16 October.