
Monthly Progress Report: December 2009

December was a month for consolidating much of the recent work carried out amongst the EduTubePlus partners, here is a short  summary of our main achievements and activities:

  • The Mid-Term Review Meeting was held with the European Commission Project Officer and the Independent Experts appointed by the European Commission to monitor progress of the project. This review was very positive and provided a good opportunity to assess the degree to which the project has met its objectives thus far.
  • Further work on the EduTubePlus platform and set of e-services took place with considerable effort being put into the Learning Scenario Designer which will form part of the e-service offer.
  • The pedagogical experts group spent time preparing sample scenarios and templates for inclusion in the EduTubePlus platform, these scenarios and templates will be used to provide the first set of materials that can be used by teachers to both augment their own teaching resources and as a way to stimulate and promote best practice in the use of video in the classroom.
  • Planning has begun on the pilot implementation and evaluation strategy which will guide the first tests of the EduTubePlus platform and set of services from early 2010 onwards.