Monthly Progress Report: January 2010
Submitted Monday, 22 February, 2010 - 17:09
In January, the EduTubePlus partners worked on elaborating the EduTubePlus platform and set of e-services in preparation for the pilot phase. This work is summarised here:
- Deliverable 4.4, which provides a pre-release version of the EduTubePlus platform and set of e-services for content providers and users was submitted to the European Commission. This deliverable includes a live build version of the system and allows for interaction with the ETP e-service and its components based on the understanding that development work on this e-service is on-going. It also includes an updated version of the User Manual for the EduTubePlus e-service (front-end and back-end) and a draft version of the User Manual for the EduTubePlus Learning Scenario Designer.
- The pedagogical experts group have worked on refining their sample scenarios and templates for inclusion in the EduTubePlus platform, and will add templates to the learning scenario builder in the next phase of their work prior to their next face-to-face meeting in Brussels in February.
- The project partners have also been active in several large-scale events related to their work in EduTubePlus in January. This included the BETT show in London and the BaKaFORUM in Karlsruhe.