
Monthly Progress Report: March 2010

Partners continued their work in preparing for the testing of the EduTubePlus platform during March. Specific activities undertaken included the following:

  • Elaboration of the functionalities of the platform to meet the planned level of service foreseen during the piloting phase.
  • A technical meeting took place in Paris on 22-24 of March, between RACTI and to work on the integration of Learning Scenario Designer with the main EduTubePlus platform.
  • A meeting took place in Athens on 29/30 March of the EduTubePlus Executive Board involving leaders of all work packages and chaired by the project co-ordinator to discuss progress and agree plans for the coming months.
  • A first version of the EduTubePlus BackOffice Web Interface became available to content providers in order to start uploading their video resources to the system. Elaboration of the BackOffice Web Interface and of the metadata set took place to meet the desired level of service foreseen.
  • An article about the underlying concept of the EduTubePlus project was submitted for the EDEN 2010 Annual Conference and was accepted for presentation at the conference.