
Monthly Progress Report: July 2010

Work this month included an extensive face-to-face meeting of all partners which served to advance preparations for the pilot phase of the project and the exploitation of the EduTubePlus platform and set of e-services.

Specific activities undertaken included the following:

  • Annual face-to-face meeting of all partners in Bucharest to assess progress, finalise agreements related to several outstanding issues and plan for the next phase of the project including the pilot phase and the exploitation of the service.
  • Two day train the trainer workshop in Bucharest to prepare those responsible for the pilot activities taking place in schools in 8 different countries.
  • On-going work to minimise bugs and to prepare the platform for pilot usage in September including the preparation of a users manual for the ETP platform.
  • Integration of the  Learning Scenario Designer in the ETP platform
  • After the Bucharest workshop, work continued to prepare for the pilot phase which included the preparation of a single manual for all aspects of the ETP platform, FAQs and the online fora for teachers and others to use during the pilot phase beginning in September.
  • A workshop on the creation of user-generated video clips was organised for FMC in Italy which attracted 7 teachers who will participate in the pilot activities form September onwards.