EduTubePlus News
Busy Period for EduTubePlus Team
Tuesday, 1 December, 2009 - 10:43
November has been a busy month for the EduTubePlus partners as they near the midway point of the project and several significant milestones are reached.
Not only were several management reports submitted, but the technical team also launched the beta version of the EduTubePlus platform and set of e-services which will be tested out with users in the first half of 2010. In addition,about 50 % of the available video clips which amount to more that 3000 clips have been adapted and processed according to the specifications of the EduTubePlus platform and will be ready for testing, samples of...
University of Hull Join Finnish Workshop
Monday, 23 November, 2009 - 11:10
Juha Paasimäki from Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius organised a workshop for teachers on 16th November about the uses of web services and video in teaching and learning.
Juha also used this workshop to bring his Finnish teaching colleagues up to date with recent developments in EduTubePlus and to discuss the creation of learning scenarios for the trials in 2010. Kevin Burden and Theo Kuechel from University of Hull joined the workshop remotely to talk about what was termed as the "uses and abuses of digital video in teaching and learning" and how to get the most out of...
Finalists for MEDEA Awards Announced
Tuesday, 17 November, 2009 - 17:26
The MEDEA Secretariat, run by EduTubePlus project partner ATiT, recently announced the 8 finalists for the MEDEA Awards 2009, an annual competition set up to reward excellence in the creation and use of media in education.
This year the competition attracted 254 entries from 39 countries which was a significant increase in entries compared to last year and the finalists in alphabetical order are: Daisy and Drago by Terakki Foundation Schools (Turkey), Eyes on the Skies by European Southern Observatory (ESO) (Germany), INgeBEELD by CANON CULTURAL UNIT (Belgium), Know IT All by Childnet...
BaKaFORUM 2010 Contest Registration Closes November 13
Monday, 9 November, 2009 - 10:41
Entries for the annual BaKaForum Contest which takes place alongside the BakaForum are welcome up to November 13.
BaKaFORUM is organised by the International Basel-Karlsruhe Media-Forum Foundation, established in December 2005 by Swiss Television and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).This Foundation is committed to foster television and other audiovisual media for global education, in terms of exchange and cooperation. It supports themes of global development, poverty, human security and the millennium development goals in those media.
Markus Nikel, EduTubePlus...
Flemish Schools Prepare for First Trials of EduTubePlus system
Monday, 2 November, 2009 - 10:43
At the beginning of October, Wim Van den Brulle and his colleagues in KlasCement began their search for schools to take part in the EduTubePlus pilot testing phase in Flanders.
Wim reports that many teachers in Flanders are already working with video in classroom but KlasCement would like to extend their usage by providing learning scenarios dedicated for video usage as well as educational video content. Wim says 'we have already selected 7 schools who will test the EduTubeplus platform, use video content in class, evaluate the process and the outcomes and also provide user generated videos...
University Hull Launches Video in Education Survey
Monday, 26 October, 2009 - 11:09
EduTubePlus partner, Kevin Burden and his colleagues at the University of Hull have launched a survey into how educators select and use digital video clips in their teaching.
Kevin makes the point that despite the fact that educators around the world are using video resources more and more often to support and enhance their teaching, little is known or understood about how they search and select video resources. The University of Hull has designed this survey to investigate how this happens and welcomes contributions from people working in all sectors and phases of education who use video...
All Partners Meet in Rome to Review Progress
Monday, 19 October, 2009 - 11:58
Representatives of all EduTubePlus partners met for their first annual meeting in Rome on the 15/16 October to review progress and plan for the coming months.
Over a busy 2 days, the partners discussed the current status of the EduTubePlus system and planned e-services and had a chance to see the first version of the proposed new EduTubePlus platform as well as to discuss the status of the TimeLine tool, the proposed translation service and the status of the ETP approach to a common ontology.
The status of the content to be included in the platform was also discussed as well as...
EduTubePlus Technical Meeting at in Paris, 5/6 Oct 2009
Wednesday, 7 October, 2009 - 17:15
Technical staff from SIVECO, RAI and RACTI met with the technical team of at their premises in Paris, on October 5th and 6th and worked together on the integration of the EduTubePlus platform and e-services.
After brief descriptions of the development progress by each partner, the team opened the workshop session with a presentation of the modeled EduTubePlus database schema. During the afternoon, the technical teams partnered together in pairs with the core development team and tested the integration and the communications of the EduTubePlus application platform...
MoE's New Portal for Greek Schools
Wednesday, 7 October, 2009 - 10:57
The Directorate of Educational Radio Television of the Greek Education Ministry (MoE), have just launched a new web site for Greek schools which makes available lots of curriculum-related video clips.
This site includes materials made available from archives as well as new productions and recently created materials and is freely available to students, teachers and parents. MoE is a partner in EduTubePlus and as well as the clips themselves, this new site also provides summaries of the clips that are shown and allows visitors to search for material based on a variety of criteria including...
EDUHI Launches Video Portal for Schools in Upper Austria
Monday, 21 September, 2009 - 13:36
BildungsTV, the new video portal for schools recently launched by EDUHI offers a totally new approach to the topic "school".
It addresses topics which are not featured in other media – clearly focussing on Upper Austria and positions itself as a typical specialised medium for teachers and pupils alike.
News and newsflash
BildungsTV offers current video and text news on topics which are relevant for teachers in their everyday working life. BildungsTV gives a great overview about news, events and developments in the Austrian educational system. For people who want to keep...