EDUHI Launches Video Portal for Schools in Upper Austria
Submitted Monday, 21 September, 2009 - 13:36
BildungsTV, the new video portal for schools recently launched by EDUHI offers a totally new approach to the topic "school".
It addresses topics which are not featured in other media – clearly focussing on Upper Austria and positions itself as a typical specialised medium for teachers and pupils alike.
- News and newsflash
BildungsTV offers current video and text news on topics which are relevant for teachers in their everyday working life. BildungsTV gives a great overview about news, events and developments in the Austrian educational system. For people who want to keep up-to-date with educational news, a newsflash is available – updated from Monday to Friday at 4 pm. - Educational topics
On this part of the site, teaching staff can get detailed or background information about current educational topics. This includes full-length speeches and presentations as well as interviews, panel discussions and events. - Youth topics – including teaching materials
Videos about topics such as sexuality, body cult or the history of music – especially intended for young people. The video clips are also available in sign language and include teaching ideas to make it easier for educational staff to use them in school. - School screen
Upper Austrian schools for pupils aged 10 and over have the chance to get a school screen which can be installed wherever required in their school. The contents are intended for pupils – the majority is produced by the editorial staff of BildungsTV. However, schools also have the chance to add content themselves, starting from static pictures such as timetables to their own video material. Background information about the topics featured on the school screen can be found on the portal.
Visit the new video portal