
EduTubePlus Technical Meeting at in Paris, 5/6 Oct 2009

Technical staff from SIVECO, RAI and RACTI met with the technical team of at their premises in Paris, on October 5th and 6th and worked together on the integration of the EduTubePlus platform and e-services.

After brief descriptions of the development progress by each partner, the team opened the workshop session with a presentation of the modeled EduTubePlus database schema. During the afternoon, the technical teams partnered together in pairs with the core development team and tested the integration and the communications of the EduTubePlus application platform with the various components, namely: the TimeLine graphical interface provided by RAI for time and geographic location search, the Siveco’s AeL LCMS for the development of video-based lessons, and the Learning Scenario Builder for designing video-based learning scenarios, currently being developed by RACTI.  
A special focus was given on the integration of the multilingual EduTubePlus ontology of curriculum-related terms. Finally, during day 2, partners discussed the graphical solution that will be integrated into the EduTubePlus system.

Technical team by, RACTI, SIVECO and RAI
Bertrand ( presents the EduTubePlus database model
Technical teams partnered together in pairs
Teachnical meeting lunch time