
Flemish Schools Prepare for First Trials of EduTubePlus system

At the beginning of October, Wim Van den Brulle and his colleagues in KlasCement began their search for schools to take part in the EduTubePlus pilot testing phase in Flanders.

Wim reports that many teachers in Flanders are already working with video in classroom but KlasCement would like to extend their usage by providing learning scenarios dedicated for video usage as well as educational video content. Wim says 'we have already selected 7 schools who will test the EduTubeplus platform, use video content in class, evaluate the process and the outcomes and also provide user generated videos for other teachers in European countries to use. After the pilot phase, we will have a better idea of what strategy works best as well as the opinions of Flemish teachers about the EduTubePlus platform. We are looking forword to start working with the pilot schools so we can really see what teachers make of this type of service".

Klascement supports the use of media in Flemish schools