
All Partners Meet in Rome to Review Progress

Representatives of all EduTubePlus partners met for their first annual meeting in Rome on the 15/16 October to review progress and plan for the coming months. 

Over a busy 2 days, the partners discussed the current status of the EduTubePlus system and planned e-services and had a chance to see the first version of the proposed new EduTubePlus platform as well as to discuss the status of the TimeLine tool, the proposed translation service and the status of the ETP approach to a common ontology.

The status of the content to be included in the platform was also discussed as well as progress made to date in segmentation, adaptation and processing. During the second part of the meeting, the team discussed the EduTubePlus pedagogical framework and the pilot implementation in schools as well as the team's overall approach to exploitation.


All partners in Rome Meeting