
Use cases to describe the overall functionality of the EduTubePlus system

Project partners RACTI and, with the contribution of Eduhi, Siveco and RAI, have defined thirty five (35) UML Use Cases to represent the overall functionality of the EduTubePlus system. The Use Cases, organised in 6 packages, included:

1. Video-clip: search a video-clip, view a video clips, Grab still frames/ Annotate over still frames, Upload a UG video-clip, Add / Modify video-clip Metadata Values, Edit a video-clip, Translate subtitles of a video-clip, Moderate a video-clip etc,
2. Learning scenario: Develop, Modify, Manage, Search, View, Print, Translate a Learning Scenario
3. Lesson: Search, View, Create, Modify, Delete a lesson,
4. Generic Functions: Authenticate, Add to favourites, Explicitly rating, Edit user profile, send to target audience etc,
5. School Administration: create and manage user accounts, and
6. EduTubePlus Administration: manage subscriptions, alerts and repository, View statistics reports, create school accounts etc