EDUCATION HIGHWAY Innovationszentrum fuer Schule und Neue Technologie GmbH (eduhi)

EDUCATION HIGHWAY / Innovation Centre for School and New Technology, was founded in 1986 as a part of the Teacher Education College of the Diocese of Linz (Pädagogische Akademie der Diözese Linz - PADL). Since the year 2000, EDUCATION HIGHWAY operates as an independent non-profit research and development company in the field of ICT and school education. 40 people are currently employed at eduhi. The organisation is mainly funded by the Upper Austrian government and the Raiffeisenbank. Besides, it is funded by a number of projects and initiatives which are implemented on behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. EDUHI maintains the Upper Austrian school network ( as well as the Austrian educational platform for schools ( This platform is now the biggest educational platform with more than 55.000 e-content resources for learning and teaching in Austria.
EDUHI also plays an important role in in- and pre-service teacher education in Upper Austria as 1/3 of the staff also teaches ICT and pedagogy and media education at the Teacher Education College of the Diocese in Linz. EDUHI currently takes part in various regional, national and international projects in the field of ICT in teaching, learning and school organisation. The projects cover technical aspects, feasibility aspects, educational and organisational aspects in the field of school, education and new media. This includes projects on educational research, projects on ICT in the educational system as well as pre- and in-service teacher training projects and initiatives.
The head of EDUHI is Mag. Thomas Lumplecker. He has profound knowledge about the conceptional design and the maintenance of TV stations, programming and the development of interactive TV services and has built a great network in that field.
Here is a selection of our national and international projects EDUHI is running: National projects: Bildungs.TV (video portal for Upper Austrian schools), Technik erleben im Grundschulalter (experience science in primary school), Power Girls (Bringing girls into technical professions), Soziale Kompetenz (research project about social competences of pupils), Life Tool – Spezialsoftware (software for people with special needs), Energie AG Deutschkurse (blended learning courses: learning German for Czech staff of the Austrian Energie AG), Moodle (e-learning platform), PGA – Zahngesundheitsförderung (dental health for schools), OÖ Gemeindebund (blended learning courses), IICC Austria (ill and isolated children connected), eduMEDIASERVICE (research project on media on demand, virtual classroom, TV-channels, News,..), WSIS (world summit on the information society), HTL innovativ (internet platform for diploma projects and final examination projects at technology and crafts orientated higher colleges), eduCard (SmartCard as multifunctional card for schools and teachers), Clic 3.0 and JClic (authoring-tool for creating interactive activities for the PC), RIO Karriere Kunststoff (project in order to attract pupils for professions in the synthetic industry), 8goals4future (projects in Austria in order to meet the 8 goals for future), Gegenstandsportalinitiative (37 subject portals for everyday life of education).
International projects: eSchola Austria (a European initiative for identification and dissemination of outstanding pedagogical concepts for the innovative use of ICT in education), Comp@ct (Comenius Multimedia Projects and Communication Technologies), Via@rtem (virtual academy for arts and education), Seed (school development through environmental education), eStream (Increasing the use of streaming media in school education in Europe), Active (active citizenship through interpersonal value-related education), Free your River (European project for web-assisted environmental education), Act4Rivers (follow-up project of Free your River), COSMOS (An advanced scientific repository for science teaching and learning), Youth 4 Innovation, EENET (European Experts Network for education and technology).
Quick Facts
Technology Provider (translation tool and services)Domain Expert (Pedagogical/Educational)Content Provider (Professional-produced video)