GIE ( is an internet-based, educative video on demand service. It was launched in November 2003 after 2 years of content and technical development.
The project was initiated by France 5, a television broadcasting company, part of France televisions, the public broadcasting group. The Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP) – a department of the French Ministry of Education – decided to participate actively in the project. Thus a joint venture was set-up by the partners under the legal form of a French Groupement d’Intérêt Economique (GIE) with no equity, in which France 5 owns 66% of the rights and the CNDP 34%. The financing of the ventures follows this ratio. The French Ministry of Education has provided financial support to the GIE.
Today is by far the market leader on the segment of Internet based pay services for schools. 2600 of them decided to subscribe for the service. By the end of 2008, the figure of 3000 subscribers is expected. The major asset of is its ability to acquire, sequence into clips, and document TV programs. More than 2300 clips are accessible on the platform. The underlying technical tool (to manipulate and publish video contents) is very robust. No significant problem has been witnessed in 3 years of exploitation. A team of almost 15 FTE works on the project. A unique mix of skills is needed: multimedia editors, education professionals and web professionals. The organizational processes have been industrialized and relevant support software have been implemented (Business Objects, Customer Relationship Management, etc.).
Quick Facts
Technology Provider (France 5 / video management platform & Hosting services)Leader of WP4 - Extension and adaptation of platform, tools and e-services, integration and hostingDomain Expert (Pedagogical/Educational) & EvaluatorContent Provider (professional-produced video by library / France5)