RAI-Radiotelevisione italiana Spa (RAI)

RAI Educational (director: Giovanni Minoli) is a major department of RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana, with the mission to produce and broadcast quality content and audiovisual digital services designed for purposes of general permanent adult education as well as for formal education in Italian schools. A part from daily dedicated slots on terrestrial channels RAI 1, RAI 2 and RAI 3, Rai Educational is also running two dedicated educational satellite channels: RAI Edu 1 and RAI Edu 2 (currently re-designed and to be relaunched as RAI EDU Storia). RAI Educational has also more than 30 websites which make extensive usage of videostreaming, and therefore maintains an own Web Division. As to the content offered to the Italian schools, RAI Educational cooperates regularly and intensivly with the Italian Ministry of Research and Education (MIUR), and has through these activites developed a wide reaching community network with schools all over the Italian territory. General Website RAI Educational: http://www.educational.rai.it Some of RAI Educatonal’s major projects and programs:
- La storia siamo noi – History (aired daily on RAI 3): http://www.lastoriasiamonoi.rai.it
- Fuoriclasse – Professional Orientation for youngsters (aired weekly on RAI 3 and satellite): http://www.fuoriclasse.rai.it
- Il Divertinglese and Il Divertitaliano – English for Primary School/Italian for Migrants (Satellite): http://www.ild.rai.it
- Explora Science Now – Science for School (RAI 3 weekly and satellite): http://www.explora.rai.it
- Medita – a medialibrary for schools: http://www.medita.rai.it
- Un mondo a colori - Integration and multicultural issues (daily on RAI 2): http://www.unmondoacolori.rai.it
- Magazzini Einstein – Art and Cultural events (weekly on RAI 1): http://www.magazzini.rai.it
- TV Talk – Mediaanalyis and -education (weekly on RAI 3 and satellite) http://www.tvtalk.rai.it
Quick Facts
Technology ProviderContent Provider (Professional-produced video)Leader of WP8: Awareness and Dissemination