
EduTubePlus News

1st Technical Review meeting, 9-10 March 2009, Madrid, Spain

The 1st Technical Review meeting of the EduTubePlus project (meeting of WP Leaders) was on 9th and 10th of March 2009 in Madrid, Spain. UNED, one of the major video-content providers of the EduTubePlus video-clip library, hosted this 1rst Technical Review meeting where task leaders met to discuss progress in creating the EduTubePlus service that will provide curriculum-related digital video materials for European schools. Key topics under discussion at this meeting included the EduTubePlus platform and e-services design, the approach being taken in EduTubePlus to an ontology and metadata...

Use cases to describe the overall functionality of the EduTubePlus system

Project partners RACTI and, with the contribution of Eduhi, Siveco and RAI, have defined thirty five (35) UML Use Cases to represent the overall functionality of the EduTubePlus system. The Use Cases, organised in 6 packages, included: 1. Video-clip: search a video-clip, view a video clips, Grab still frames/ Annotate over still frames, Upload a UG video-clip, Add / Modify video-clip Metadata Values, Edit a video-clip, Translate subtitles of a video-clip, Moderate a video-clip etc, 2. Learning scenario: Develop, Modify, Manage, Search, View, Print, Translate a Learning Scenario 3....

RAI Educational is now officially a partner of the EduTubePlus project

The Italian large organisation RAI is now officially a partner of the EduTubePlus project, replacing Instituto Geographico De Agostini (IGDA). RAI Educational is now WP8 leader and will contribute to the EduTubePlus library around 200 hours of educational video as well as a graphical interface for organising and retrieving video-based resources related to when and where the topics under discussion took place. RAI's web site is at

Technical Meeting - 24th and 25th November - Paris, France

Technology providers gathered in Paris to outline and detail technological architectures and framework for the EduTubeplus platform development. This WP4 meeting was held at premises in Paris, on 24th and 25th November 2008. Technology providers (, RACTI, SIVECO, EDUHI, CEDETEL) as well as ATiT, representing the pedagogical experts (leading the task of developing the EduTubePlus pedagogical framework) were participated. During the meeting, an initial analysis of “feedback forms” provided by end-users was performed while participants discussed the required...

Meeting for initiating WP2/WP6 - 4th & 5th of November - Brussels, Belgium

ATiT and UofHULL/IfL (WP2 and WP6 Leaders) organised an initial meeting for partners involved in the pedagogical aspects of EduTubePlus on 4/5 November in Brussels, Belgium. During this meeting project partners with pedagogical expertise and those representing end users in schools discussed a pedagogical framework for the effective use of video in class as well as a plan for the pilot implementation phase of EduTubePlus in schools.  

Technology providers studied in depth the existing systems provided by project partners

Existing systems include the France 5/ video management platform, which will serve as a basis for the EduTubePlus system and e-Services, the Siveco’s AeL Learning Content Management System, for the creation and management of video-based lessons, the EDUHI’s eduMEDIA service, which forms the basis for the EduTubePlus translation service of video subtitles and video-based resources, and the RAI’s Timeline Tool which will be used for retrieving video-based resources by time and location.

Kick off Meeting - 11th and 12th of September - Athens, Greece

The EduTubeplus Kick off Meeting was successfully held in Greece. Representatives from 16 active members of the consortium gathered in Athens for initiating and organizing the work of the project. Day 1: was devoted to partner’s presentations. The meeting was initiated with a short welcome speech by the Director of RACTI and a presentation of the EduTubePlus project by the project Coordinator Elina Megalou. Following, technology providers, content providers, pedagogical experts, evaluators and users presented their organisations, their existing systems, content and experience as well as...