What determines the quality of a streaming video?
With streaming video it is not so much the quality of the media that counts, but rather its accessibility. Streaming videos can normally be accessed on all computers with a public Internet connection, download capacity does not really play a significant role anymore. However, in order to keep the network load within reason, and in order to accomodate the variety of bandwidths available as well as the hardware and software combinations that exist particularly in schools, it is advisable to produce videos without too high requirements, i.e. with limited resolution and high compression. This may have an effect on the display quality.
Broadcasting, the unidirectional transmission of multimedia (video, audio, movies, animation), is one way whereby the audience (listener, viewer) is not identified by the broadcaster. Radio and television are typical examples of such technology.
View streamed videos on the following sites:
- The EduTubePlus Project - streaming videos for the classroom
- The archives of the Dutch school TV
- The archives of the VRT news site
- abc.net.au - radio streams broadcast from Australian radio stations