Greek teachers’ EduTubePlus training workshop
The training workshop for the pilot phase in Greek schools was held on 20th of September in the Educational Radiotelevision offices in Athens. 18 teachers participated, representing 12 schools from primary and secondary public education.
These schools included:
- one Minority, one Special needs, two pilot primary schools and
- one Music, one pilot Lower Secondary School,
- one Vocational, one General and at last one Intercultural Upper Secondary School.
Participant teachers have a wide range of specialties including Literature, Greek Language, Mathematics, Physics, Informatics and come from various parts of Greece. They were trained about the services, tools, functionalities, components of the system.
Betty Tsakarestou, ETV/MoE Administrator welcome everyone and presented the digital transition of the Educational Television service. Afterwards Elina Megalou, the ETP coordinator, presented the ETP project and the learning scenarios component. Sofia Papadimitriou, national coordinator of the pilot training, navigated through the ETP platform and its services, tools, and functionalities and presented the teachers’ work during the pilot phase. She focused especially on the ETP pedagogical framework and the added value of creating new content by teachers and their students, concerning active learning. Nickos Drandakis, Social media consultant focused on the value of creating and sharing social media today. Efi Grousouzakou, member of the ETP technical team, made a tour to the AeL Learning Management System creating a lesson in Physics and finally Xanthippi Tokmakidou, member of the ETP coordination team, informed participants about the evaluation plan for teachers and their students.
Teachers expressed enthusiasm to navigate and search the platform services and they used the three main EduTubePlus components: videos, scenarios and lessons. Additionally, the participants were very interested in creating, uploading and sharing their “user generated videos/content” and look forward to collaborating with other European schools in the project.