
Video & Education News

Berlin Forum on Video and Active Citizenship

The 2nd European Forum for Video Education entitled “Video and active citizenship” will be held on 1 - 2 October in Berlin, Germany. The objective of this event is to provide an open European forum for exchange of best practice and experience in the area of video production within education with a focus of the theme “video and active citizenship” for educators, media activists and decision makers. Managed by the Viducate project team, this forum will include World Café sessions, discussions and a space to present projects in the wider area of video and active...

Open Workshop on Audiovisual Metadata Schemes and Content Selection Policies

This two-day workshop being held in Greece on June 23 and 24 will present several state of the art applications in multimedia retrieval and reuse which will be of particular interest to the educational sector. This workshop is being held in Mykonos town, Greece and is organised by the EUscreen project, it will focus on the presentation and analysis of metadata schemes and content selection policies within major European projects in general and EUscreen in particular. The first day’s programme will be devoted to developments within the EUscreen project. This includes...

Most popular length of educational video clip between 5 and 10 minutes!

A recent study by PBS in the US provides a range of useful inputs on the take up of digital media in education including the specific use of video. Findings from this research, which reflects the views of almost 1500 full-time classroom teachers in a variety of different schools, highlights the interest teachers continue to have in video but finds that they increasingly access this video online, rather than from broadcast, cable or videotape. It also points out that teachers are becoming more strategic in their media use and more knowledgeable about integrating it into their repertoire of...

Recent report by Pearson into the impact of digital media on young minds

The Pearson Foundation's recently published report entitled "THE DIGITAL WORLD OF YOUNG CHILDREN: IMPACT ON EMERGENT LITERACY" makes for interesting reading. Published in March 2010, this report takes as its basis the importance of studying the effect of digital media on young minds given the fact that research has not yet determined whether the intellectual development of young children is being affected in ways not thought possible in the past. Written by Jay Blanchard and Terry Moore of the Arizona State University College of Teacher Education and Leadership, this report...

Music as an incentive to re-start learning activities

Music and ICTs are being used by the E-Motion project partners as a way to encourage young people into taking an active interest in learning again. This project is supported by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme and is piloting an innovative informal learning approach based on music and ICTs that combines creativity, fun and the acquisition of key competences particularly in the area of mathematics, sciences and ICT. E-MOTION involves partners from Italy, UK, Romania and Spain who have set themselves an ambitious plan of action which includes...

Media and Learning Conference in November 2010

The Media & Learning Brussels 2010 Conference is being organised 25-26 November 2010 in collaboration with the Flemish Ministry of Education and the European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture to co-incide with the Belgian Presidency of the European Union. The conference will bring together practitioners and policy makers in a two day event which will highlight the latest developments, services and digital and media competences in education and training. The conference agenda will focus on three key themes: • Digital and media skills and competences •...

Useful materials about educational repositories now available

Recent reports on attracting visitors to educational repositories as well as rights and standardisation issues make for useful reading for those creating video repositories for schools. The EdReNe thematic network recently held their 4th strategic seminar on repositories of learning resources in Barcelona from 24-26 March. EdReNe brings together people responsible for European webbased repositories with content owners and other stakeholders within education. This seminar explored EdReNe’s overall themes: which repository strategies work, how do we engage users and producers, which are...

Finnish report on Media Education Policies Available

A recently published report, Finnish Media Education Policies, makes interesting reading for those interested in hearing more about how Finland incorporates media education into educational provision from early childhood education through to universities and teacher training. Published by the Finnish Society on Media Education, this report provides recent guidelines and practical and very concrete information about how media education is organised in Finland as well as a wealth of links to Finnish organisations and agencies active in this arena.

Scientific video lectures available online

VideoLectures.Net offers free and open access to high quality video lectures presented by distinguished scholars and scientists in a variety of different fields. The VideoLectures.Net portal aims to promote science, to encourage the exchange of ideas and to foster knowledge sharing by providing high quality access to not only the scientific community but also to the general public. VideoLectures.Net features lectures given at the most important and prominent scientific events like conferences, summer schools, workshops and science promotional events from many fields...

Teachers' TV to Move to Web Only Delivery

This popular UK service has recently announced that it is to cease its television broadcasts completely and will depend exclusively on web delivery from now on in keeping with the requirements of its many users. The award-winning channel Teachers' TV provides engaging videos, practical resources and an active online community, which aims to support the professional development of anyone working in school, enabling them to widen their skills, develop their practice, and connect with others in the field. Teachers TV is funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) but is...