
Media and Learning Conference in November 2010

The Media & Learning Brussels 2010 Conference is being organised 25-26 November 2010 in collaboration with the Flemish Ministry of Education and the European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture to co-incide with the Belgian Presidency of the European Union.

The conference will bring together practitioners and policy makers in a two day event which will highlight the latest developments, services and digital and media competences in education and training.
The conference agenda will focus on three key themes:
• Digital and media skills and competences
• Fostering the creation of media-based resources at all levels of education and training
• Use and re-use of existing media resources in education and training

Interested individuals, project teams, institutions and organisations are invited to submit proposals to give presentations, demonstrations and workshops at this conference, the closing date for submissions is 1 June 2010.

More information from the conference website