Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning and Religious Affairs (MoE)

According to the Constitution of Greece, education is a basic mission of the State, aiming at the moral, intellectual, professional and physical education of Greeks, the development of national and religious awareness and the formation of free and responsible citizens. Moreover, the education procedure –as derives from the way contemporary curricula are drafted– pursues the development of the pupil's personality from all aspects and his/her successful social adoption through the development of cognitive, emotional, mental and psychomotor abilities and skills. The Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning and Religious Affairs (MoE / ΥΠΔΒΜΘ) is responsible for the administration of all the schools in the country: an administration carried out through the Central and Regional Services and through councils of a consultative and scientific nature that have been created and function in the Ministry's Central and Regional Services. In Higher Education, the Universities and the Technological Education Institutes are self-administered legal entities under public law and the Minister exercises supervision and monitors the legality of their actions and decisions through the Ministry's central services.
Council of Educational Radio Television in the MoE (ETV) :
Educational Radio Television Greece operates since 1977 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs. It houses a significant number of high-quality productions aimed at complementing educational resources in the classroom. On top of being available via the public television channels (ET1, ERT Satellite & Parliament Channel), Educational Radio Television is committed to getting established as a multimedia platform available on-demand and connected to the most popular social media. In this context it aims at providing educators and students the opportunity of using the available video content in the classroom, re-using it, uploading their own content, sharing and evaluating it.
Quick Facts
Dissemination activities (to European school communities & to policy makers)End User (associated schools and schools through eTwinning action) / EvaluatorDomain Expert (Pedagogical/Educational)Content Provider (Professional-produced content by ETV)