Klett Lernen und Information GmbH (Klett)

Klett Lernen und Information GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of Ernst Klett AG. This is a private group of companies within the communication industry comprising publishing houses - not only in the educational field like the sister companies Ernst Klett Verlag and Klett Lernen und Information, the dictionary publisher PONS, the novel publisher Klett-Cotta, seminar-houses and distance learning schools. It also deals in special services to the printing, media and electronic data processing industries and has holdings in some 50 companies in Germany and abroad.
Klett Lernen und Information is together with Ernst Klett Verlag amongst the leading educational publishers in Germany, with in total more than 600 employees, producing an extensive range of textbooks and teaching aids for all subjects taught in general and vocational training, in adult education and for the open learning market including educational video, multimedia and online products. Developing and publishing of learning and teaching materials for foreign language learning, history, politics and social sciences as well as natural sciences, geography and mathematics are among the special competencies of Klett. Textbook series including slides, videos, and - since some years - software for schools and adult education have been developed and produced. Recently about 60 new software titles including multimedia CD-ROM and online titles are being published every year. The website (http://www.klett.de) contains a broad overview about the companies and the products and services offered. A number of online applications are offered there to teachers and students and the private learners.
Klett Educational Concepts, the department at Klett in charge for project work, has more than 20 years experience in national and European educational R&D project work, started in the DELTA programmes. In 1996/1997 Klett EC was the co-ordinating partner in the POLLEN project of the Telematics Application Programme of DG XIII and was one of the main partners in the ESPRIT project ERMES. Further projects - national and international - e.g. in the MMTaskforce, FP4 and FP5 programmes were successfully performed (http://www.educational-concepts.de), being coordinator of the YoungNet project in the “Schools of Tomorrow” area. Recently Klett EC was involved in IST and eTEN projects (MetaCampus Real, Metokis, Alfanet, SCIFI, LeActiveMath) and is currently partner in the 6.FP projects iClass, Prolix and Elektra, in the eContent+-project CITER and in two Socrates projects (TTA and FlaChi). All projects deal with innovative aspects of the development and use of pedagogical and educational multimedia.
Quick Facts
Specific role in exploitation: to validate the soundness of the EduTubePlus business model by licensing and providing third party content during the projectContent provider (during the project)