Companhia de Ideias Anonimas Comunicacao Social Lda (CI)

Companhia de Ideias (CI) is a content producer founded in 1997. The headquarters consist of an office in the centre of Lisbon, Portugal, with 320 m2, dully prepared for 32 people working on a simultaneous basis. Most of its content productions are related to the fields of Science, Education and European Union (politics, social affairs, history, etc.).
Amongst several media projects developed by CI we believe it is useful to strength a few, conceived for or supported by institutions like the European Commission, the European Parliament, Portugal’s Ministry of Science and National Geographic. In the last three years CI has conceived, directed, produced and coordinated projects such as: National Geographic’s Portuguese Geobee (a youth contest in geography for Portugal’s leading public channel, RTP1, reproduced from the original north-American Geobee, broadcasted in USA public channel PBS); Clube da Europa / European Team (contest about Europe and European matters to another public Portuguese channel, RTP2); Turma das Ciências / Science Class (a contest aiming to highlight youth achievements in science studies, also for RTP2); Europa: os Próximos 20 Anos / Europe: the next 20 years (European affairs magazine for RTP national and international channels, assuring worldwide distribution); and also Geração Cientista / Generation Scientist (a weekly biographical magazine featuring young Portuguese bright scientists working all over the world). All of these had a common goal: to use a language and an image targeting the younger audiences, using market skills to make the information available, useful and above all interesting to young people. This extensive work has granted CI a unique know-how in targeting juvenile audiences, particularly in scientific and European matters.
Quick Facts
Content Provider (Professional-produced video)