This part of the web site was used to support a key activity within EduTubePlus, testing out the new EduTubePlus e-service and the project team’s approach to the use of video in the classroom in European schools. This pilot testing phase took place in the first half of the 2010 – 2011 school year.
Schools who took part included project partners SZÁMALK (International School of Budapest) and Fondazione Maddalena di Canossa in Italy as well as schools associated with project partners in Greece, Belgium, Finland, France, UK and Romania.
This phase involves the following services and activities:
- Providing a set of resources and training materials which teachers and others can use to create or adapt their own video resources. This resources database can be searched by language, format or description and users can create their own repository of resources for regular use and is now available.
- Providing a service dealing with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which teachers who took part in the pilot testing phase could use during the pilot testing phase. This service was available through the EduTubePlus platform.
- Providing face-to-face and virtual training sessions for some of the teachers taking part. The face-to-face training sessions took place in Budapest in September 2009 and in Bergamo in July 2010 . A virtual training module on creating your own video clips is available here.
- Providing fora for teachers who took part to discuss their experiences as well as common issues and challenges. These fora were organised according to language and were available via the EduTubePlus platform.
- Providing screencasts on some of the more frequently performed activities in the EduTubePlus platform, these were available via the EduTubePlus platform.