UNED is a Spanish public university that provides distance education at national and international levels. It was founded in 1972 to enable priority access to university and further education for all those who, while capable of pursuing higher studies, were unable to attend on – campus classes for work, financial, residential or other reasons. At present, it has a network of more than 60 Centres throughout the country where students have access to all kinds of academic services, including libraries, audiovisual materials, face-to-face tutorials, videoconferencing and a virtual campus (telematic tutoring). The study offer includes degrees in Science, Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, as well as more than 100 Doctoral programmes, Master degrees, and Professional Development Programmes. The difference between the UNED and the other universities in Spain lies on its geographic dimension (national and international – 16 Study Centres abroad) and on the use of distance methodology and complementary pedagogical tools (Television, Radio, Video and Virtual University Campus). 1.200 full time teaching staff, 4.000 tutors and 1.200 administrative and technical staff make all this happen.
The entire audiovisual program could come under the CEMAV, such as radio, video, video conferencing, CD-ROM, and television. However, different departments or centres were formed in order to gain efficiency caused by the complex undertaking involved in university education by correspondence. Thus, at this time, we have communication services covering video conferencing and CD_ROM, Educational TV, under independent management, and the CEMAV, or Audiovisual Centre, which is responsible for the university radio and audio and video educational productions.
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Domain Expert (Pedagogical/Educational)